Our performing arts facilities include the Kendall Main Stage Theater, the Don Evans Black Box Theater, and the Mildred & Ernest E. Mayo Concert Hall.
View detailed descriptions of our venues
Season Planning
All groups presented by TCNJ Center for the Arts must have dates secured, contracts signed, and equipment, space and ticketing needs detailed and approved by the Director of Operations of CFA by June 1st of the preceding performance season.
Without a signed contract, TCNJ Center for the Arts reserves the right to book tentatively held spaces to other clients.
External Clients
Use of the performing arts facilities by individuals or groups affiliated with the College is scheduled by the External Events Coordinator at 609-771-3077 in the Office of Conference and Event Services. If you would like to tour the performance facility before engaging in more formal booking discussions, our External Events Coordinator can schedule an appointment for you to do so.When you are ready to book a space, our External Events Coordinator will check availability, technical requirements and scheduling criteria and place a ‘hold’ on the date if the event meets the requirements. An initial production meeting will then be scheduled with the client, the venue Coordinator, and possibly the Director of Operations. Details such as the performance and rehearsal schedule, technical requirements, staffing requirements, and front-of house concerns such as ushering, ticketing, and security will be discussed as well as any catering needs, additional tables required, parking arrangements, signage, etc. The results of the production meeting form the basis of the usage and rental contract. Please note that events should not be advertised or promoted and tickets should not be sold until the contract is finalized. In addition, all changes must be added to the contract and a detailed production schedule must be submitted no less than two weeks prior to the event.
TCNJ Departments and Offices
Requests to use the performing arts facilities by student organizations affiliated with the College must be submitted at least four weeks in advance through the Book-It System. If additional support is needed, please contact our Internal Events Scheduler in Facilities and Administrative Services at 609-771-2078. After your event has been submitted for review, an initial production meeting will then be scheduled with the client, the venue Coordinator, and possibly the Director of Operations. Details such as the performance and rehearsal schedule, technical requirements, staffing requirements, and front-of house concerns such as ushering, ticketing, and security will be discussed as well as any catering needs, additional tables required, parking arrangements, signage, etc. The results of the production meeting form the basis of the usage and rental contract. Please note that events should not be advertised or promoted and tickets should not be sold until the contract is finalized. In addition, all changes must be added to the contract and a detailed production schedule must be submitted no less than two weeks prior to the event.
TCNJ Student Organizations
Requests to use the performing arts facilities by student organizations affiliated with the College must be submitted at least four weeks in advance through the Book-It System. If additional support is needed, please contact the Student Events Scheduler in the Office of Student Activities at 609-771-2254. After your event has been submitted for review, an initial production meeting will then be scheduled with the client, the venue Coordinator, and possibly the Director of Operations. Details such as the performance and rehearsal schedule, technical requirements, staffing requirements, and front-of house concerns such as ushering, ticketing, and security will be discussed as well as any catering needs, additional tables required, parking arrangements, signage, etc. The results of the production meeting form the basis of the usage and rental contract. Failure to attend this production meeting will result in delaying your request and will possibly cause your event to be cancelled. Please note that events should not be advertised or promoted and tickets should not be sold until the contract is finalized. In addition, all changes must be added to the contract and a detailed production schedule must be submitted no less than two weeks prior to the event. Students are encouraged to review the information on Production Planning.
Front of House Management:
We will staff your event with one of our Front of House Managers. S/He will be on duty 1 ½ hours before curtain and will remain on duty until the house is clear and the venue is closed. S/He is responsible for:
- Supervising the overall facility and event operation;
- Orienting your ushers;
- Assisting with seating the house;
- Overseeing the safety and security of the patrons, ushers, and other front-of-house staff;
- Managing any problems, e.g. difficult patrons, an emergency, etc.
[Note: The cost for the House Manager is included in the contract.]
Ticketing Services:
We offer:
24/7 Online Box Office
At the Door Ticket Sales
We are going contact-less as much as possible. Each of our venue Box Offices opens one [1] hour before curtain where we will help the patrons purchase their tickets online. If necessary, we can process the sale for them.
Please contact the Assistant Director of Audience Services at least four weeks prior to the event to discuss your Front of House and ticketing needs.
Box Office Fees:
- $0.50 per ticket for complimentary tickets [deducted from client revenue]
- $1 per ticket for standard tickets [deducted from client revenue]
- 3.5% fee for credit card charges [deducted from client revenue]
- $2 per ticket service fee added to all sales [paid by patron]
Revenue Management:
- The Assistant Director of Audience Services will deposit the money in compliance with the policies and procedures established by the Office of Finance & Business Services and will provide you with a report detailing the revenues and box office fees.
- The Office of Finance & Business Services will then process your payment.
Presenter: The Presenter is the group or organization renting facilities from The College of New Jersey. The Presenter is responsible for following the policies, regulations, and procedures contained herein and passing along all pertinent information to staff, participants, performers, and audience members.
Performance: A full run of the production with audience present, utilizing costumes, make-up, and all technical elements. Complete house, stage, and technical staffing are required.
Dress Rehearsal: A run of the performance utilizing costumes, make-up, and all technical elements. Complete house, stage, and technical staffing are required for a dress rehearsal. Building Services cleaning fees apply, and usher staff is required if any audience is present.
Rehearsal: Rehearsal of any or all of a production utilizing rehearsal lighting, without any audience, technical support, or technical equipment. Supervisory staffing is required.
Production Meeting: A meeting between the Presenter, Conference Coordinator, and select Center staff to discuss the running order, technical and staffing requirements, schedule, and budget for an event or performance.
Cue-to-Cue: A technical rehearsal used to refine and run the lighting, fly, deck, and sound cues of a production or dance show. This typically requires the Technical Director or Lighting Designer, Stage Manager, Light Board Operator, Event Presenter / Dance Schools Director and their staff.
Load-In: Load-in comprises delivery and set-up of all stage equipment that the Presenter requires for the production. Please note that a sidewalk permit, arranged through the Office of Campus Police [Call: 609.771.2167], is required for access to the Kendall Theatre Loading Dock.
Strike: Strike is the removal of all scenic materials and equipment modified or added for a particular event or production. Please note that Presenters must remove all scenic items and materials that they brought in during strike. Dumpster facilities are NOT available. In addition, remember that a sidewalk permit, arranged through the Office of Campus Police [Call: 609.771.2167], is required for access to the Kendall Theatre Loading Dock and the Mildred & Ernest E. Mayo Concert Hall.
Production Planning
The Production Meeting is the initial meeting between the Presenter, Conference Coordinator, and select Center staff to discuss the running order, technical and staffing requirements, schedule, ticketing and budget for an event or performance. To prepare for this meeting, the Presenter will need the following information and/or documentation.
The College of New Jersey requires that you obtain General Liability Insurance for your event. The following is information that will be of assistance when arranging insurance with the agency of your choice:
- Explain that you are seeking a general liability insurance policy for an event at The College of New Jersey and that you need at least “$1 million of coverage per occurrence, combined single limit.”
- Confirm that they are authorized to do business in the state of NJ.
- Confirm that they are financially healthy by determining that they have an “A.M. Best rating of A- (VII) or better.”
- The policy dates must be consistent with your event. For multiple day events, confirm that the policy will not expire prior to the end of the event. Plan ahead for rain cancellations and understand what this means for your coverage.
- Inform the insurance agency that the endorsement section must contain “a waiver of subrogation in favor of The College of New Jersey” and needs to name “The College of New Jersey (“TCNJ”), Trenton State College Corporation, the New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority (“EFA”), and the State of New Jersey, and each of their affiliates, and each of their respective consultants, agents, attorneys, trustees, officers and employees” as additional insureds.
- Request that they send you and the TCNJ Coordinator a copy of the policy documents, including the Certificate of Insurance.
- It is your responsibility to ensure that TCNJ is provided with all evidence of insurance at least three weeks prior to your event, so that there is time for adjustments, if necessary.
Production Schedule
A detailed production schedule is required for each rental contract. The schedule should include every aspect of each production that utilizes facilities at The College of New Jersey. Examples include production meetings, load-in, cue-to-cue, rehearsals, performances, load-out and strike. The schedule can be refined and discussed during the first production meeting.
Specific staffing needs for each rehearsal and performance will be determined in the first production meeting and become a part of the rental contract. Please note that changes in the technical details may have a direct impact on the staffing requirements. Typical staff requirements for a Performance are three to six staff members [Note that the Presenter may provide some of their own staffing for their event]. Details must be discussed and approved in the production meeting. Examples of staff roles are below:
- Professional Technical Director: Responsible for the building, safety, technical operations, staff.
- Professional Stage Manager: Maintains the running order of the show and calls all cues.
- Professional House Manager: Oversees audience services, ticketing, seating, front-of-house operations.
- Student Lighting Technician: Programs, runs, and maintains the lights and lighting control systems.
- Student Spot Light Operator: Runs the theatrical follow spot lights.
- Student Sound Technician: Runs the sound board for the show, including playback and microphone.
- Student Stage Technician: Runs the fly system and all stage shifts and operations.
- Student Runners: Assist where needed, including traffic control, backstage, dressing rooms.
- Volunteer: Ushers Provided by the Presenter.*
- Volunteer: Concessions Sales Provided by the Presenter.
- Volunteer: Production Assistants Provided by the Presenter.
*Ushers are important for every event with any audience in attendance. The number of ushers needed is determined by which venue is being used and the complexity of the event itself. The Center has trained Ushers that may be contracted if the presenter/producer wishes rather than having to provide their own volunteer ushers. The ushers must arrive promptly at the agreed-upon time before the performance starts in order to meet with the House Manager for a detailed safety, facilities and emergency procedures overview. Front-of-house staff must be present and in place before the audience chamber can be opened to the public; they must remain in place and on duty for the duration of the performance and until the audience have vacated the audience chamber. Duties include:
- Usher patrons into audience chamber and help them find seats.
- Collect tickets from and hand out programs to patrons.
- Open and close the venue and lobby doors for intermission, end, etc.
- Help direct patrons to restrooms, telephones, water fountains etc.
- Alert House Manager to any problems, concerns, or emergencies that arise.
- Help maintain calm and order, and direct patrons to the exits in case of emergency.
- Enforce College and facility rules.
- Kindly ask disruptive patrons to stay quiet or leave the audience chamber.
- Help clean up programs, rubbish, and lost articles in the seating area as the audience departs.
- Insure that food, drink, cameras, and recording devices are not brought or used in the performance venue.
Stage Equipment
Layout of the performance area, including equipment, legs, borders, curtains and drops must be discussed and approved in advance. The default layout is an empty stage with all legs, borders, curtains and drops flown out. This will insure space for musical or scenic elements brought in by the Presenter. All stage equipment and supplies used must be returned to the location and status as when found.
More specific information about each venue is available on the web page for that venue.
Lighting Equipment
Each facility has different equipment and capability. Information about the technical details of each venue is available on the web page for that venue. Please be prepared to discuss your specific needs at the production meeting. The Kendall Main Stage is equipped with a full compliment of lighting equipment, colors, patterns, and effects. The Don Evans Black Box Theatre is well equipped with a variety of instruments and colors. The Mayo Concert Hall lighting is flexible and centered on non-colored light — suitable for musical performances and lecture events alike. All TCNJ equipment and supplies must be returned to the location and status as when found, including instruments, gels, patterns, cables, and accessories.
Sound Equipment
Sound reinforcement and recording equipment must be arranged for in advance. Our facilities each have capability for handheld and lavalier wireless microphones, podium with integrated microphone, CD playback, etc. All TCNJ equipment and supplies must be returned to the location and status as when found, including speakers, microphones, communications equipment, cables, and accessories.
Policies and Practices
Musical materials used by the Presenter in this production may be protected by United States Copyright. It is the responsibility of the Presenter to obtain any and all clearances as required by law for their use in the performance, recording, playback, duplication, or distribution of the performance presented at The College of New Jersey.
The College of New Jersey reserves the right to play a recorded informational safety announcement before the beginning of each show. In addition, the College reserves the right to make interim announcements as needed to preserve safety for the performers and audience and enforce policies and regulations.
An American Sign Language interpreter must be provided for an event if requested by an audience member requiring such assistance. External clients must make these arrangements for themselves. TCNJ clients should contact TCNJ Accessibility Resource Center to arrange for the services of an ASL interpreter; the cost of this service will be included in the Presenter’s invoice. These requests must be made at least two weeks prior to the event.
Safety and Security
The College of New Jersey has oversight regarding event safety, including and not limited to: crowd management; worker and equipment safety; safety of performances, stunts and effects; security; emergency response; emergency egress; fire safety; catering and food preparation; and general facility management. Safe practices for events in Arts Facilities are subject to the judgment of the facility management and technical staff and are governed by applicable policy and regulation. Applicable references include: Standard Building Code, National Fire Prevention Association 101 – Life Safety Code, Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulatory codes, and the Americans with Disabilities Act Advisory Guide.
The College of New Jersey may require that Campus Police officers be hired in order to help insure safety and security for events that anticipate a large audience. All costs will be detailed in the usage and rental contract.
Facility management strongly recommends that Presenters establish traffic flow policies with staff, performers, and participants on arrival to the venue. These should be established within the backstage and safety policies outlined herein.
Emergency Egress: Aisles, stairs, hallways, and pathways to all emergency exits must remain clear and unrestricted at all times. All security and fire doors must be kept closed.Signs indicating emergency exits may not be covered or otherwise obscured.
Fire Prevention: Flammable items are prohibited in the all performance venues. Combustible materials including decorations and fabrics must be flameproofed. This can be accomplished either by treating items with flame retardant or purchasing items manufactured with flameproofing. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) minimum standards must be met or exceeded. All scenery must be constructed of treated fire-retardant lumber. In instances when treated wood cannot be used, the final product shall be treated using an approved fire retardant material in accordance with state regulations. Use of open flame and pyrotechnic effects is strictly prohibited at all times without written approval from Campus Safety and appropriate staffing in place. Use of Pyrotechnics requires the direct supervision of a licensed pyrotechnician, provided by the Presenter, certified by the State of New Jersey, and approved by The College of New Jersey.
Fire Curtain: The operation of the fire curtain in the Kendall Main Stage Theatre cannot be impeded in any way. Nothing can be placed in the path of the fire curtain for any purpose during an audience event.
Capacities: Maximum occupancies of the stage, audience chamber, and any other spaces used may not be exceeded at any time.
Sound Levels: Performing Arts Facilities Management has established a sound level policy in order minimize audience complaints, provide a distortion-free enjoyable experience for patrons, and provide a safe environment for our staff. Sound levels must not exceed 95dB SPL A-weighted during any performance or rehearsal. Occasional instantaneous peaks may be tolerated in material with a large dynamic range. Arts Facilities staff will measure volume levels in the audience seating area and on stage using a sound level meter.
Back Stage Access: Access to the stage, scene shop, control booth and support areas of the venue is limited to authorized TCNJ staff and authorized participants for the Presenter. Facility visitor identification will be provided to the Presenter; the Presenter is responsible for distribution of the identification and for ensuring that all appropriate individuals for the Presenter use it. Individuals requesting back-stage access to the Presenter’s event will be barred without facility visitor identification. Costumed performers need not wear visitor identification. Arrangements for backstage guests should be made prior to the event date with facility management.
Building Services
A Building Services cleaning fee will be applied for any performance or dress rehearsal with audience present or when food is served. It includes building services staff attendants in place to replenish restroom supplies, empty trash, and maintain a clean atmosphere for performers, patrons, and staff. Specific fees and details will be determined in advance and discussed at the planning meeting.
Concessions, Merchandising, and Sales
Presenters who wish to sell tickets, programs, souvenirs, t-shirts, and flowers etc. must have all details approved in advance, so that College staff can make appropriate arrangements and insure that there is no interference with the safe ingress or egress of audience, performers and staff from the performance venue.
Outside vendors, service providers, video recording crews, photographers, and the like will hereafter be referred to as vendors. Professional video recording services may only be employed if Presenters sign a recording release form and the recording personnel meet the criteria established under “Vendors, Merchandising and Sales” detailed herein. An authorized representative of the Presenter must have all details for Vendors approved by the Office of Conference and Meeting Services no less than two weeks prior to the event.
Each vendor must provide a certificate of General Liability Insurance of not less than $1,000,000 that names the State of New Jersey and The College of New Jersey as additional insured’s for the date(s) they will be vending on campus. Sales will be limited to areas designated by the venue Staff. The Vendor is responsible for collection of all state sales tax as required by law. Vendors that arrive without written approval as detailed above will be considered trespassers and requested to leave the campus.
A staff member from the performance venue will conduct a pre- and post-event walkthrough with a designated representative of the Presenter in order to determine any damage to facilities or equipment within the duration of the rental agreement. The Presenter is responsible for any costs associated with repair, renovation or replacement of any facilities or equipment within the duration of the rental or use agreement.
Food and Drink
Food and beverages are strictly prohibited from in all performance venues, including the audience chamber, the stage, and the backstage areas. It shall be the responsibility of the Presenter to communicate and enforce this to its performers, ushers, staff and audience for both rehearsals and performances.
Smoking is prohibited in all facilities on The College of New Jersey campus. Details can be found in the New Jersey Smoke-Free Air Act.
Smoking is permitted outside buildings at a distance greater than 10 feet from building entrances, openings, or air intakes. Smokers are asked to dispose of smoking products in provided smoking receptacles.